piece on 20/20 last night was really amazingly biased. The main point was to show that having a gun in a multiple victim public shooting would provide no benefit. One student in a class was given a gun. Most viewers probably wouldn't notice that the one student with a gun was seated in the same seat in each experiment so that the attacker (a firearms expert who taught the use of firearms to police) knew which person in the class was the threat to him. If you watch carefully, you will see that the attacker shoots the instructor and then instantly turns the gun on the student with a gun. Possibly there are two seconds between when the first shot is fired and the gun is turned on the armed student. Giving a trained firearms expert the drop on either complete or moderately trained individuals is not a fair test. The attacker (firearms expert) knew who was the student in the classroom that was armed. This defeats the entire purpose of concealed handguns. If you have 50 people in a room and the attacker doesn't know which student might be able to defend himself, that is a big advantage. In the rushing around and confusion, the student with a gun who is unknown to the attacker has an advantage, but that advantage is turned into a disadvantage in this experiment. They might have well have dressed the one student in a police uniform.
The show also tries to tie the Virginia Tech tragedy to closing the gun show loophole even though the killer there didn't get his guns from a gun show. The show even asks "what has been fixed" since the attack and uses a man, Omar Samaha, to buy guns who lost his sister in the attack. Here is
something that I have written before on gun shows. (As a side note,
New York Mayor Bloomberg will be joining Omar Samaha this week in Virginia to push for the gun show regulations. A copy of the
ad is here.)
Labels: GunControl, GunFreeZone, mediabias, multiplevictimpublicshooters