
Fewer than 4 tenths of one percent of those visiting Obamacare exchanges enrolled

The headline at the The Hill newspaper says "less than 1 percent of visitors to Obamacare exchange enrolled," but that is extremely generous to the exchanges.  It is actually less than 4 percent of that 1 percent.  From The Hill newspaper:
Less than one percent of people who visited healthcare.gov in its first week actually enrolled for coverage under ObamaCare, according to a new analysis. 
The consulting firm Kantar US Insights estimated that only about 36,000 people completed the enrollment process by Oct. 5, out of about 9.5 million unique visitors to the glitchy ObamaCare portal. 
The analysis also found that traffic to healthcare.gov plummeted 88 percent between Oct. 1 and Oct. 13 as users encountered problems with the system. . . . .
Kantar, using data from nonpartisan research firm Millward Brown Digital, estimated that about 9.4 million visited the site during its first week. 
Of that number, roughly one-third tried to register and one-third of that group — 1.01 million — completed the registration process. 
Even fewer people were able to successfully log in (271,000) and enter the enrollment stage (196,000). . . . .
Are there a lot of errors in the code for the Obamacare exchange websites?   I don't know who Mike Adams is, but he wrote this up an interesting discussion at NaturalNews.com:
. . . I have personally looked at the Javascript code running part of the Healthcare.gov website. If you are curious how I got the code, I simply typed the URL of the Javascript code into the browser address field. The browser then pulls up the entire code block, because Javascript is client-side code (not server-side). 
What I am seeing in this code is nothing short of jaw-dropping. As people are now saying, this code is "CRAAAAAZY!" You almost can't even call it Javascript code. If you sat down 100 monkeys in front of 100 typewriters and told them to start banging away, I'm confident at least one of them would come up with something far better than the Healthcare.gov Javascript code. 
In fact, I am practically ROFLMAO just looking at this code. Any competent programmer in the world, upon seeing this, would just burst their britches in knowing the U.S. government spent $600+ million dollars on this project. Inside the code, the Javascript programmer comments are just off-the-charts hilarious. Comments found in the code include (yes, these are actual text comments from the script): 
"TODO: add functionality to show alert text after too many tries at log in"
"make sure we don't try to do this before the saml has been posted if (window.registrationInitialSessionCallsComplete)"
"Attention: This file is generated once and can be modified by hand"
"Fill In this with actual content. Lorem Ipsum"
"TODO: maybe modify the below to use a similar method instead"
Riddled with typos and errors in the error messages . . . .
Bizarre error messages also found in Obamacare code 
Error messages written into the code leave no doubt that the people who wrote the code are masters of chaos and confusion. Here are just a few of the error message I found by casually scrolling through the Javascript publicly posted on the Healthcare.gov website: 
"Exception in inconsistency adjudication process" 
"Notices are official messages that lorem ipsum." 
"Exception in triggering the Inconsistency Clock Service" (By the way, this error message confirms I was right in my public prediction about the system suffering from time clock synchronization errors.) . . .



Blogger Jason K said...

I think that's 4 tenths of one percent, not 4 hundredths.

10/16/2013 12:50 PM  
Blogger John Lott said...

Dear Jason:
Sorry, but what I wrote was correct.
To the right of the decimal point are tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.

10/16/2013 3:39 PM  

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