Number of Concealed Carry Permits by County in California

With Governor Jerry Brown signing a law that banned the open carry of unloaded guns, in some counties people are effectively banned from carry a gun for protection in any way. For example, no civilian in San Francisco has a concealed handgun permit. In Los Angeles, only 220 people have permits. Relatively rural Kern county has given out 3,789 permits.
The information was obtained by the CalGuns Foundation and their discussion is available here.
Labels: ConcealedCarry, numberpermits, OpenCarry
Is there a credible source that has this kind of data for other states available to the public. Preferably by county but by state would be ok too I.E. just the numbers, not addresses or other private information?
Thank You For Posting This. This Is Both Interesting and Educational.
Dear Capt A:
There are some information that I have on this website if you follow my link entitled "numberpermits." The third edition of More Guns, Less Crime (2010) has very detailed data by state.
I hope that helps.
The numbers for Los Angeles are wrong. LASD has about 460 permits issued, LAPD about 20 (only 4 new in 15 years) and the other agencies collectively have about 400. Still abysmal, but will hopefully change this year with 3 suits pending against LASD and an MSJ ruling due this month.
With respect to the numbers, I have no reason to think you are wrong; differences between what DOJ has and actual at the local agency are due to the failure of the local licensing agency to report data to DOJ in accordance with the law (Cal. Penal Code Sec. 12053(b): "Copies of each of the following shall be filed immediately by the issuing officer or authority with the Department of Justice").
Very interesting information in the article. I wasn't aware that California had a tight regulation on concealed guns. I was surprised when I read that LA only has around two hundred registered for gun concealment.
Just wondering, do you have the most recent stats on CCW permit holders in Riverside County as of 7/15?
No, sorry.
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