
CNN could use some balance

This clip about the Tea Party is simply too bizarre. They keep on talking about all the evidence that Tea Party members are racist with nothing that really amounts to evidence. This segment has two extreme left wingers and no one to balance them off. Only at the very end of the clip when the host points out that "there are African-American members of the Tea Party," one of the guest says: "Well, sure there were Jewish Concentration Camp guards weren't there."

At the very beginning of the clip shown above they were referring to a blog post put up by someone named Mark Williams (from another segment on CNN): "Mark Williams, posted a satirical blog that in part reads, 'Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us colored people and we demand that it stop.'" So what did the Tea Party do with Mark Williams for using the term "colored people"? The New York Daily News reports that he "was kicked out of the National Tea Party Federation Saturday for a racist blog post." It would seem that there were few people in the Tea Party who agreed with William's views.



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