5th state passes "Firearms Freedom Act"

Despite the fact that I think that any reasonable reading of the interstate commerce clause would make these laws unnecessary, given past decisions by the Supreme Court, it seems unlikely that these laws will be upheld.
Labels: firearmsfreedomacts, SupremeCourt
Despite the fact that I think that any reasonable reading of the interstate commerce clause would make these laws unnecessary, given past decisions by the Supreme Court, it seems unlikely that these laws will be upheld
That in itself is just a chilling statement.
All this concern over the direction of the country is clearly too late ... its obvious we lost the Republic a LONG time ago.
On Jason Lewis' show last night, the discussion touched on using the threat of secession as a prod to get the feds to back off.
I think if a state got to the point of seceeding and federal troops attacking, you would see freedom loving people from across the US joining the fray.
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