

How your most private information is threatened by Obamacare

The Obamacare exchanges require that people have to put in their most personal information.  Well, it appears that hidden in the website's "source code" there is a very stark warning: 

"You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system," reads the disclaimer, which does not appear on the site's visible "Terms and Conditions" page
The disclaimer continues: "At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, and search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system." 
Now security experts are worried this paragraph beneath the surface at may represent an ominous sign -- that the U.S. government is ill-equipped to handle identity thieves. 
"This sounds as they're saying ... we're not guaranteeing we can protect anything you give us at all," security expert Morgan Wright told Fox News on Wednesday. . . .
Why this warning isn't made visible to people on the exchange is alarming.  The problem might go further as the "navigators," those individuals who will help people sign up for coverage, are not being really screened.  Besides people who have been associated with ACORN, navigators are turning out to be illegal aliens, people who have outstanding bench warrants, and others who have threatened people. From Fox News:
 Amid the ramp-up, state attorneys general have raised concern about the screening process for hiring the workers. Thirteen attorneys general warned in an August letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that training and safeguards in place for the navigators may be inadequate.  
They said the background check system "pales in comparison" to what is typically required for workers in programs receiving federal health dollars. . . .

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