

James O’Keefe video gets Republican Senate President to Drop out of Re-election race

Despite a very closely divided state Senate in WisconsinProject Veritas did an undercover video that caused Republican Senate President Mike Ellis to not seek re-election this fall.   From Fox 6 in Milwaukee:
In the video, recorded two weeks ago, Ellis talks about creating a super PAC to spend money attacking his Democratic opponent state Rep. Penny Bernard Schaber.Ellis said he did not pursue the idea after realizing it was illegal. . . .
I have two thoughts on this: 1) this shows James O’Keefe is willing to go after what he considers bad behavior even when it targets Republicans (which is something that he deserves points for) and 2) whether this is bad behavior depends on the timeline here: the amount of time between the discussion and the release of the video.  If it is clear that Ellis wasn't going to follow through on the discussion, I don't see the problem.  There are so many complicated laws even legislators can't be expected to understand all the implications of them.

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