The remarkable partisan shift on NSA tracking your telephone calls. Can one explain the increased Democrat support without resorting to the fact that a Democrat is in the White House?
I am not sure if the numbers are directly comparable because the government tracking wasn't nearly as extensive back in 2006, but with a Democrat in the White House Democrats go from opposing tracking by a 61 to 37 percent rate to supporter it by 64 to 34 percent. Republicans still support it though at a lower rate. Independents go from opposing it to supporting it. Given that the tracking is so much more extensive, can one explain the increased Democrat support without resorting to the fact that a Democrat is in the White House?
It's just like everything else with democrats: debt and deficit were bad under Bush but aren't a problem with Obama, the number of deaths in our war on a tactic were pointed out daily with Bush and are ignored under Obama. Bush was demonized for the Patriot act but it was ignored when Obama signed the extension, they also ignore the NDAA under Obama as well. And my personal favorite, criticizing our government was viewed as "patriotic" under Bush (Hillary said something to that extent) chit under Obama it's racism. Must be nice to live life with absolutely no standards.....